Craving for some delicious amateur porn sites? Can’t relate to those high quality studio made porn videos? Well then DreamAmateurs has been made exactly for you. Numbers can’t describe the greatness of this site. However just for record it has a whooping 49083 amateur porn videos available. The funniest part of DreamAmateurs is the kind of titles they put below their video. “pulling his darling’s red hair during their steamy doggy boning”, “Bombastic brunette screaming sexily on top of her fucker” these are just 2 titles that I found on the home page and I’m pretty sure it gives you an idea about what to expect from DreamAmateurs 😀
Over 16 categories are available on DreamAmateurs (Not bad for a porn site dedicated entirely to a single genre) and amateur leads the way with a staggering 46869 videos available (Seriously what else did you like expect from a porn site having amateur in its name). There is a funny unique category named “Party” here. Since I’m a sincere reviewer I decided to check it out and it was compilation of free porn videos mostly displaying drunk sex or after party sex. I wish these type of parties existed in real life. What’s better than gulping half bottle of Hennessy, smoking a few joints and getting laid in the bedroom of your friend’s mother.
On the menu tab you see an option named sex chat. The good part is that it works but the bad part is that it requires a free registration. Seriously who would waste 10 minutes registering to watch a live cam? I would rather go somewhere else . Very few people would note that out. But when I’m reviewing a porn site I try to write everything i notice. I don’t like sugarcoating my reviews. You would die of diabetes if you read reviews from other reviewers they are that much farcical. My reviews are honest.
When you click at the options in the menu bar they sometimes pop up into a new senseless window but it is not a regularity. DreamAmateurs has been designed with a black color background which i personally like. I believe they could have adjusted their videos a bit more properly though and it would be a great pleasure if they remove those annoying ads at the top and bottom of the homepage.
Dedicated to amateur category entirely
“Party” category is really worth checking out
Pogodan za mobilne uređaje
Some tabs lead to pop ups
Too much advertisements