Fappic.com is an adult image host where users can upload and store all their adult images in an easy way. The images can be sorted into directories and each directory will form an gallery for easy viewing. On Fappic you can upload anonymously but images gets deleted after a while if not viewed. You can also create an account and your images stays online forever. They have one of the highest limits on file sizes I have ever seen on an adult image host. Their upload feature is quite ordinary though however they do support ZIP and Remote uploading which makes it easy to upload large amount of images quickly.
Right now Fappic want to attract more users so there are absolutely no advertisement. It can’t become any better than that right? 🙂
Privalumai: No ads!
Create an account and your images are never deleted
Very easy to use interface
Up to 10 Mb big image files
Cons: Only one account per person allowed
No ZIP uploads at the moment