Don’t get confused DumpPix is not a porn site. It is simply an adult image hosting site just like for example Фапик. As the title “DumpPix” suggests you can dump all your adult picture collection here. You can upload as many pics as you’d like but size of a single pic should not be more than 8 MB. No requirement of any membership to upload your stock here but the website clearly states that you should be at least 18 years old. You can decide whether you want your uploaded content to be public or private. Allowed file extensions are .JPEG, .JPG, .GIF, .PNG and .ICO. In case you upload some pictures that resembles child pornography they’ll contact the authorities right away. Bonus point from me for that!
DumpPix is not a flashy looking website. In fact it has quite boring looks. But DumpPix doesn’t want to impress you with his looks after all it’s an adult image hosts. So don’t waste your time thinking why it has such a boring layout. “Home” and “Upload” section are exactly the same. I don’t understand the motive behind putting the same content in 2 different tabs. What do they think?
That the user will not pay attention to it and they will probably get away with it? I’m not only talking about DumpPix, I’m talking about ALL the porn sites that do this kind of stuff.
When I tried to open their browse section it showed error cuz the servers were under maintenance for a few hours. The cam section of the website leads to Шатурбираат. Do I even need to tell you guys about Шатурбираат? If you don’t know about Шатурбираат go read our review of it.
In case you’re an asshole or if you find some seriously offending picture then you can hit the report tab and report the disturbing file. If you click on the random pic option then it’ll open a completely random picture. It necessarily won’t be an adult picture. It can be a pic of a TV remote or five men penetrating a girl. You can rate your file on a scale that is displayed below the advertisements.
I won’t recommend you going to DumpPix if you’re main purpose is fapping but in case you want to browse some pictures then it is exactly for you or of course you have a bunch of photos of you and your wife you want to share with the world.
No limit on uploads
All kind of content available
Not too much porn content
Too much Advertisements