I like to decipher the meaning behind the name of every fucking porn site. So what’s the lingual meaning of Porn18Sex.com? Does it signify that you need to be 18 year or older to browse this site or does it point towards the fact that you need to watch at least 18 porn movies before fapping? or wait I hope it’s not true but there’s a possibility that Porn18Sex has only 18 videos available! I would literally dump this porn site them and give it a 1 star rating. Okay enough with guessing lets get to it now. First of all I’m glad that my third guess was totally wrong. Porn18Sex has plenty of videos for you and your homies. Their primary focus is the college crowd and they feature videos from some top porn sites.
By the way straying a bit off topic I just thought of my own ‘You might be a redneck’ saying. ‘If you’ve ever screwed your cousin while thinking of your sister, you might be a redneck.’” Isn’t that cool?
Porn18Sex has provided links for other porn sites on the right side of its homepage. Some of them are extremely cool while the others are wack as fuck. You can get free or cheap porn on most of these sites. Videos can be sorted by three ways: Top rated, Most viewed and Most recent. There are categories available so that you can get as close as possible to your perfect porn video but they are not that helpful. I didn’t expect any better because they are a low budget site which is visible from their layout.
When you click the play tab on the video the first thing that you’ll see is the number of views. You can also see how many thumbs up a video has received which I feel is a great feature. It’ll help you decide whether or not to watch the video.
What I didn’t like was the abundance of advertisements and lack of previews when you place pointer on the thumbnail. That’s a basic feature that every porn site should have.
Porn18Sex are by no means the best amateur site but if you like trying out new stuff this site might actually grow on you.
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