This site is one of my absolute favorite porn download torrent sites. I am using this site almost daily. Why you may ask? Because PornBay is easy to use, sure the design might now be to everyone’s liking’s but who cares? I mean we all go there for one reason and one reason alone, to find what turns us on right? The site has over 100.000 different downloads. That is fucking huge. They have 200.000 members who all contribute to the awesome network. About 40 categories ranging from Amateur and Anal to Teen and Virtual Reality Porn. Now you may be wonders, is it free? Both yes and no actually. You pay buy keeping your downloaded files accessible through the network and as long as you keep an 1:1 ratio you will be fine. You can pay for VIP PornBay membership to which makes you immune against low ratios if you want.
However, why not start out with one of the many free leech titles and build up your ratio with almost zero effort. If you don’t know what to download you can check out their top lists or why not read around in their discussion forums. If you know exactly what you want but can’t find it you can always use their Request Feature and in most cases some friendly community member will upload it for you.
ਫ਼ਾਇਦੇ: Free membership
Easy to get started
Friendly community
ਨੁਕਸਾਨ: Need to maintain a 1:1 download/upload ratio
Your account gets deactivated due to inactivity
Czesc wszystkim z mila checia bede waszym gosciem i bede bral udzial
PornBay es guai.
Formatee el portatil y borre todo el contenido de pornobay y ahora me dice ¨ Ratio Watch: Your downloading privileges are disabled until you meet your required ratio¨
Up: 12.29 GB
Down: 69.26 GB
Ratio: 0.17
Como puedo solucionarlo, gracias