I’m not a big fan of porn chans but there are actually some people around the world that actually love them. What’s the difference between a Porn chan and a Porn forum? Well it’s pretty simple. To understand the difference better lets talk about the similarity first. Both porn chan ve porn forum are kept running by their communities. The difference is that porn forum do not delete any of the threads while porn chans only keel threads for a certain period of time. There’s a lot of original content available here as compared to porn forums.
7Chan is a renowned porn chan but to be honest with you there are better porn chans with larger community available on the internet. 4 Kanal ve iChan are definitely my preferences while browsing pornchans. Since we’re here reviewing 7Chan let’s talk about various features it has to offer.
There are no videos available here. The best that you can hope for is a GIF but nothing more than that. This site is full of nude pictures that have been uploaded anonymously by users. It won’t be wrong to call it a image board instead.
Let me warn you already. Porn chans are a weird place made for weird people and if you aren’t one then there is a huge chance that you might return getting offended. It is not for weak willed. Don’t say I didn’t tell you.
7Chan offers much more than just porn. You can have discussions about science and technology, weapons, drugs, comics, fitness and a lot more. There are over 27 discussion categories available around here.
Website layout of 7Chan is not something that I would label extraordinary or flashy. It’s pretty dull and basic and it looks like the threads have been posted on a notepad. They can definitely achieve better things with a better layout.
Our advise for you would be to find a better porn chan than 7Chan unless you love exploring original memes on different chan boards because it’s not worth your time.
Too much threads
Aktif topluluk
Small community
Better alternatives available