Muốn xem lại ChatRandom cho chúng tôi và thực hiện một số ca$h? 🙂
Viết nhận xét về ChatRandom (tối thiểu 250 từ nhưng tốt nhất là khoảng 750 từ) và gửi cho chúng tôi nơi đây
Nếu chúng tôi xuất bản bài viết đánh giá của bạn, chúng tôi sẽ cung cấp cho bạn một số tiền không được tiết lộ 😀
Ý tưởng là những gì cần viết: (cuộn xuống)
Ưu điểm: tên 2-3 thứ
Nhược điểm: tên 2-3 thứ
I’m DD
Tonight I was on CHATRANDOM and I encountered the usual, large masturbating penises…..and something else very strange: a man in a pair of underwear reclining on a bed outright mocked me, “ahahahaha” three different times before banning me from this site. I was sitting Indian style with cutoffs typing a message to someone. Why do I get the feeling that all of the large masturbating cocks are still masturbating as I type this? The irony of the situation is that I was talking to a friend that I was supposed to meet on there and he said the same thing happened to him. What was he doing? Playing banjo fully clothed. Another one of my friends got banned for showing his face as he was looking for me — a moderator told him he was an old man three times before banning him. I’d met a few others who told me similar stories: they’d gotten banned while merely showing their faces, nothing else! CHATRANDOM hires these people to bully innocent people, people who appear to have enough wherewithal and self-dignity to send them $10 every time they get banned. Avoid this site. It is a vex to the spirit. They stop at no level of coercion/deception to lure you into buying their cam models (WHOM THEY GROOM TO WORK FOR THEM FOR FREE). Weird but, sadly, true.